Liste des manuscrits publiés dans des actes de conférences avec comité de lecture
Les noms en caractères gras font référence à des étudiants supervisés ou co-supervisés par le prof. Blais
C-68 Simon Gélinas, Gabrielle Laramée, Carl Blais, Artificial Intelligence applied to the development and characterization of PM components, Powdermet 2021, Orlando, FL, June 20th – June 23rd.
C-67 Denis Mutel, Carl Blais, Towards the development of water-atomized tool steel powders for utilization in Direct Energy Deposition (DED) and Laser Powder Bed (LPB), Powdermet 2021, Orlando, FL, June 20th – June 23rd.
C-66 Carl Blais, Saba Mousavinasab, Bernard Tougas, Effect of microstructure heterogeneities on the mechanical properties of PM steels, Powdermet 2021, Orlando, FL, June 20th – June 23rd.
C-65 Simon Gélinas, Carl Blais, EuroPM 2019, Liquid Phase Sintering of High-strength PM Steels Using A Master Alloy Containing Boron, EuroPM, Maastricht, Holland, Oct 13-17.
C-66 Grubîi V, Cáceres CB , Hernández RE, Blais C (2019) Effect of Chipping Edge Inclination Angle on the Chip Formation Mechanism of a Chipper-Canter. Proceedings of the 24th International Wood Machining Seminar, Corvallis, OR, USA. August 25-28, 307-314 pp
C-65 Kharrat W, Hernández RE, Cáceres CB, Blais C (2019) Effect of Radial Force on Ring Debarker Efficiency with Frozen Logs. Proceedings of the 24th International Wood Machining Seminar, Corvallis, OR, USA. August 25-28, 71-80 pp
C-64 Simon Gélinas, Justin Plante, Carl Blais, Optimization of liquid phase sintering of boron PM steels using master alloys, Powdermet 2019, Phoenix, AZ, June 23-26.
C-63 Simon Gélinas, Carl Blais, Influence de la structure de solidification de la phase liquide sur les propriétés mécaniques d’aciers frittés avec un alliage-mère contenant du bore, Poudres 2019, Grenoble, France, May 21st – 24th.
C-62 Denis Mutel, Carl Blais, Development of modified A8 and S7 tool steel powders by water atomization for laser powder bed additive manufacturing (LPB-AM), HI-AM 2019 Annual Conference, Vancouver, May 21-23.
C-61 Jean-Nicolas Rousseau, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, Ultrasonic additive manufacturing of parts made of Al-Mg alloys containing different concentrations in Mg, ICAA 2018, Montréal, June 17-20.
C-60 Louis Simoneau, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, Tensile Properties and Microstructural Characterization of entirely built vs. repaired A356 specimens made by Directed Energy Deposition, ICAA 2018, Montréal, June 17-20.
C-59 Simon Gélinas, Louis-Philippe Corriveau, Carl Blais, Novel Master Alloys Using Boron and Carbon as Liquid Phase Promoters, POWDERMET 2018, San Antonio, TX, June 17-20.
C-58 Louis Simoneau, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, Tensile Properties and Microstructural Characterization of entirely built vs. repaired A356 specimens made by Directed Energy Deposition, HI-AM 2018 Annual Conference, Waterloo, May 21-23.
C-57 Simon Gélinas, Carl Blais, Optimization of the Mechanical Properties of Mn PM Steels: a Metallurgical Investigation, Intl. Materials Research Congress 2017, Cancun, Mexico Aug. 20-25.
C-56 Louis Simoneau, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, Tensile properties of built vs. rebuilt/repaired specimens made of 316L-Si stainless steel using Directed Energy Deposition, AMPM 2017, Las Vegas, NV, June 6-8.
C-55 Louis Simoneau, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, Tensile and wear properties of Ti-WC metal matrix composites made by Directed Energy Deposition, AMPM 2017, Las Vegas, NV, June 6-8.
C-54 Simon Gélinas, François Chagnon, Ian Pujol-Baïlon, Carl Blais (2016) A new perspective on the potential of lean PM steels,Powdermet 2016, Boston, MA, June 6-8. NCE-Auto 21. (invited speaker)
C-53 Bernard Tougas, Amin Molavi Kakhki, Denis Christopherson, Carl Blais (2016), Effect of ultrasound assisted machining on gun drilling of PM steels, Powdermet 2016, Boston, MA, June 6-8.
C-52 Svetka Kuljich, Roger E. Hernández, Carl Blais, (2016), Effects of cutterhead diameter and log infeed position on energy requirements of a chipper canter, 59th Conference SWST, Curitiba, Brasil, March 6-10.
C-51Mathieu Brochu, Bamidele Akinrinlola, Raynald Gauvin, Carl Blais, (2016), The effect of Er on grain growth in cryomilled Al-Mg-Er powders, 2016 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, (Invited speaker).
C-50 Majid Heidari, Roger Hernandez, Carl Blais (2015), A comparative study of wear mechanisms of rake surface and clearance surface of chipper-canter knives, IWMS2015, Quebec City, Canada, June 14-17.
C-49 Svetka Kuljich, Roger Hernandez, Carl Blais (2015), Effects of the attack angle and cutterhead diameter on the size of chips produced by a chipper-canter, IWMS2015, Quebec City, Canada, June 14-17.
C-48 Svetka Kuljich, Roger Hernandez, Carl Blais (2015), Effects of the cutter head diameter and log infeed position on the energy requirements of a chipper-canter, IWMS2015, Quebec City, Canada, June 14-17.
C-47 Mahdi Amiriyan, Houshang Alamdari, Carl Blais , Robert Schulz, (2014), Development of Iron Aluminide Coatings Reinforced With Hard Ceramic Particles for Wear Resistant Applications, 7th Symposium on Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering, Montréal, Canada, June 15-18.
C-46 Svetka Kuljich, Roger Hernandez, Carl Blais (2014), Effect of cutterhead diameter on size distribution of chips produced by a chipper-canter, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Forest and Bio-based Products Industries (PTF BPI 2014)Kuchl/Salzburg, Austria, September 24-26, 2014.
C-44 Bernard Tougas, Carl Blais, (2014), Ultrasonic Drilling of Sinter-Hardenable PM Steels, POWDERMET 2014, Orlando, FL, May 18-22. (Invited speaker).
C-43 François Chagnon, Julie Campbell-Tremblay,Carl Blais, (2014), Effect of Carbon, Manganese and Chromium Concentration, Density, Sintering Temperature and Post-Sintering Cooling Rate on Properties of Lean Alloy PM Steels, POWDERMET 2014, Orlando, FL, May 18-22.
C-42 Mahdi Amiriyan, Houshang Alamdari, Carl Blais , Robert Schulz, (2014), Development of Iron Aluminide Coatings Reinforced With Hard Ceramic Particles for Wear Resistant Applications, MS&T 2014. Pittsburgh, PA Oct-12-16.
C-41 Majid Heidari, Carl Blais, Roger Hernandez, (2013) Study of the wear mechanisms of chipper-canter knives used in the first transformation of wood, TMS, Montreal, Oct. 2013.
C- 40 Ghosh, S., R. Hernández, C. Blais. (2013) Patterns of knife edge recession in an industrial chipper-canter. Proceedings 21st International Wood Machining Seminar, Tsukuba, Japan, Aug 4–7, 2013, 241-248.
C-39 Bernard Tougas, Carl Blais, (2013), Effect of strain rate on the transformation of retained austenite into strain-induced martensite in pm nickel steels, POWDERMET2013, June 24-27, Chicago, Il.
C-38 Carl Blais, (2012) PM at North American Universities – Université Laval, Management Focused Program, POWDERMET2012, June 10-13, Nashville, TN. (Invited speaker).
C-37 Bernard Tougas, Carl Blais, François Chagnon, Sylvain Pelletier, (2012), Characterization of nickel diffusion in PM nickel steels, to be presented at POWDERMET2012, June 10-13, Nashville, TN. 2012 Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award
C-36 Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, Julien Bosseli, (2012) Effects of deformation texture intensities and precipitates on the anisotropy of mechanical properties of Al-Li alloy 2099 T83 extrusions, Proceedings13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys, Pittsburgh, June 3-7.
C-35 Frank A.T. Goma, Daniel Larouche, Carl Blais, Raynald Gauvin, Julien Bosseli, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Mathieu Brochu, (2012), Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of 2099-T83 Extrusions in Two Different Environment, Proceedings 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys, Pittsburgh, June 3-7.
C-34 Nicolas Giguère, Carl Blais, (2011), Modeling of the influence of admixing and prealloying on the optimization of compressibility and hardenability of sinter-hardenable steel powders, Thermec 2011, Quebec City, Canada, Aug. 1st to 5th.
C-33 Frank A.T. Goma, Daniel Larouche, Carl Blais, Raynald Gauvin, Julien Bosseli, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Mathieu Brochu, (2011), Fatigue crack propagation rates and local texture relationship in 2099-T83 AL-Li alloy, Thermec 2011, Quebec City, Canada, Aug. 1st to 5th.
C-32 Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, Julien Bosseli, (2011) Al-Li ALLOY 2099-T83 extrusions: Static Mechanical Properties, Microstructure and Texture, Thermec 2011, Quebec City, Canada, Aug. 1st to 5th.
C-31 Carl Blais, (2010), The Evolution of Microstructure in Ferrous PM Materials and its Characterization, Special Interest Program on “The Characterization and Testing of Metal Powders and PM Products”, POWDERMET2010, June 27-30, Fort Lauderdale, FL. (invited speaker)