Liste des manuscrits publiés dans des journaux à comité de lecture

Les noms en caractères gras font référence à des étudiants supervisés ou co-supervisés par le prof. Blais

J-73 Simon Gélinas, Gabrielle Laramée, Carl Blais, Artificial Intelligence applied to the development and characterization of PM components, accepted, Intl. J. Powder Metal., October 2021.

J-72 Jean-Nicolas Rousseau, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Nicolas Giguère, Carl Blais, Study of ultrasonic additive manufacturing and its utilization for the production of aluminum components made of alloys of the AA 5XXX series, submitted to Intl J. Advanced Manu. Tech., October 2021.

J-71 Simon Gélinas, Gabrielle Laramée, Carl Blais, Characterization of the mechanisms taking place during liquid phase sintering of PM boron steels with the help of artificial intelligence, submitted to Powder Metallurgy, October 2021.

J-70 Hamidreza M. Shirazi, Rémi Georges, Roger Hernandez, Carl. Blais, Effect of the cross-rolling and austempering heat treatment on the microstructure, texture, and mechanical properties of AISI 8670 low alloyed steel, submitted Mat. Met. Trans A, October 2021.

J-69 Wellenreiter, P., Hernandez, R., Cáceres, C., Blais, C., (2021), Effects of helix angle and wavelength on cutting forces, noise, and power consumption produced during helical planing of sugar maple wood, submitted to Canadian J. Forest Research, March 2021. 

J-68 Wassim Kharrat, Roger Hernandez, Claudia Caceres, Carl. Blais, (2021), Effects of radial force and log position in the stem on ring debarker efficiency in frozen black spruce logs, Wood Material Science and Engineering, 16 (3), pp. 211-220. 

J-67 Kharrat, W., Hernández, R.E., Cáceres, C.B. Blais, C., (2021) Influence of radial force and rake angle on ring debarking efficiency of frozen and unfrozen black spruce logs. Eur. J. Wood Prod., 79(3), pp.629-644. 

J-66 MohammadJavad MohammadiSefat, Hadi Ghazanfari, Carl Blais (2021), Friction stir welding of 5052-H18 aluminum alloy: Modeling and process parameter optimization, J. of Materi Eng and Perform, 30, 1838–1850. 

J-65 Wassim Kharrat, Roger Hernandez, Claudia Caceres, Carl. Blais, (2020), Ring debarking efficiency of frozen balsam fir logs is affected by the radial force but not by the log position on the stem, Canadian J Forest Research, 50(11). 

J-64 Louis Simoneau, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, (2020), Tensile properties of built and rebuilt/repaired specimens of 316L stainless steel using Directed Energy Deposition, J. Mat. Eng. Performance, 29(9), 6139-6146. 

J-63 Roger Lawcock, Rohith Shivanath, Yannig Thomas, Carl Blas, (2020), Powder Metallurgy in Canada, Intl J Powder Metal, 56(2), 11-21.

J-62 Simon Gélinas, Justin Plante, Carl Blais, (2020), Optimization of liquid-phase sintering of boron PM steels using mater alloys, Intl J Powder Metal, 56(1), 11-21.

J-61 Simon Gélinas, Jean-Nicolas Rousseau, Carl Blais, (2020) Solidification structures in low-alloyed PM steels obtained through permanent liquid-phase sintering using a master-alloy containing boron, Materials Performance and Characterization – Special Issue on Advances in Powder Eng., 9(4), 452-469. (Invited). 

J-60 Bruna Ugulino; Claudia B. Cáceres; Roger E. Hernández; Carl Blais, (2020) Influence of temperature and moisture content on bark/wood shear strength of black spruce and balsam fir logs, Wood Science and Technology, 54 (4), 963-979. 

J-59 Hadi Ghazanfari, Carl Blais, Houshang Alamdari, Mario Gariépy, Robert Schulz (2020), Improving wear resistance of metal matrix composites using reinforcing particles in two length-scales: Fe3Al / TiC composites, Surface and Coatings Technology, 386. 

J-58 Grubîi V, Cáceres CB , Hernández RE, Blais C, (2019) Effect of chipping edge inclination angle on size distribution of pulp chips produced by a chipper-canter. Wood and Fiber Science 51(4): 402-415. 

J-57 Claude Lincourt, Jacques Lanteigne, Madahavaro Krishnadev, Carl Blais, (2019), Calculation of the Stress Intensity Factor in an Inclusion-Containing Matrix, Model. Num. Simul. Mat. Sci., 9, 17-28.

J-56 Hadi Ghazanfari, Carl Blais, Houshang Alamdari, Mario Gariépy, Robert Schulz (2019), Characterization of dry-sliding wear of HVOF coatings made of Fe3Al powders reinforced with sub-micrometer TiC particles produced by combustion synthesis, Surface & Coatings Technology, 360, 29–38. 

J-55 Simon Gélinas, Ian Baïlon-Poujol, Carl Blais, (2018), Correlation between fracture mechanisms and microstructure in Mn powder metallurgy steels susceptible to intergranular failure, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 730, 391-400. 

J-54 Jean-Nicolas Rousseau, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, (2018), Effect of oxygen content in new and reused powder on microstructural and mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V parts produced by directed energy deposition, Additive Manufacturing 23, 197–205. 

J-53 Hadi Gazanfari, Carl Blais, Houshang Alamdari, Mario Gariépy, Robert Schulz (2018), Mechanically activated combustion synthesis of Fe3Al composite powders reinforced with sub-micrometer TiC particles, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 761, pp. 71-79. 

J-52 Mahdi Amiriyan, Carl Blais, Sylvio Savoie, Robert Schulz, Mario Gariépy, Houshang Alamdari, (2017) Mechanical Behavior and Sliding Wear Studies on Iron Aluminide Coatings Reinforced with Titanium Carbide, Metals, 7, 177. 

J-51 Bamidele Akinrinlola, Raynald Gauvin, Carl Blais, Mathieu Brochu, (2017), Thermal Stability of Cryomilled Al-Mg-Er, J. Nanomaterials, Volume 2017, Sept., 1-17. 

J-50 Saba Mousavinasab, Carl Blais, (2017), Role of microstructure heterogeneity on fatigue crack propagation of low-alloyed PM steels in the as-sintered condition, Metals, 7(2), 60.

J-49 Bernard Tougas, Denis Christopherson, Carl Blais, Effect of ultrasounds assisted machining on gun drilling of pm steels, Intl. J. Powder Metal., 53, (1), (2017), pp. 39-45. 

J-48 Saba Moussavinasab, Carl Blais, (2107), Study of the effect of microstructure heterogeneity in the as-sintered condition on fatigue crack propagation of low-alloyed PM steels, Intl. J. Fatigue, 99, pp. 45-55. 

J-47 Svetka Kuljich, Roger Hernández, Carl Blais, (2017), Effects of cutterhead diameter and log infeed position on size distribution of pulp chips produced by a chipper-canter, European J. of Wood and Wood Products, 75(5): 747-760.

J-46 Svetka Kuljich, R.E. Hernández et C. Blais, (2017), Effects of the cutterhead diameter and log infeed position on surface quality of black spruce cants produced by a chipper-canter. Wood and Fiber Science, 49(3): 235-248. 

J-45 Bernard Tougas, Carl Blais, (2017), Ultrasound-assisted drilling of copper and prealloyed PM steels, Powder Metall., vol. 60, 1, pp. 49-55. 

J-44 Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, (2016), Modelling of anisotropy for Al-Li 2099 T83 extrusions and effect of precipitate density, Mat. Sci. and Eng. A, 673,  581–586.

J-43 Saba Moussavinasab, Carl Blais, (2016), Study of the effect of microstructure heterogeneity on fatigue crack propagation of low-alloyed PM steels, Mater. Sci. & Eng. A, 667, (2016) 444–453. 

J-42 Louis-Philippe Lapierre-Boire, Carl Blais, François Chagnon, Sylvain Pelletier, (2016), Improvement of flow of an iron-copper-graphite powder mix through additions of nanoparticles, Powder Tech., 299, 156–167. 

J-41 Mahdi Amiriyan, Houshang Alamdari, Carl Blais, Sylvio Savoie, Robert Schulz, Mario Gariépy, Tribo-mechanical Properties of HVOF Deposited Fe3Al Coatings Reinforced with TiB2 Particles for Wear Resistant Applications, Materials, (2016), 9 (2) p.117. 

J-40 Milad Mardan, Carl Blais, (2016), Development of novel pre-alloyed PM steels for optimization of machinability and fatigue resistance of high performance PM components, J. of Mat. Eng. and Performance, 25, (3), pp.764-773. 

J-39 Mahdi Amiriyan, Houshang Alamdari, Carl Blais, Sylvio Savoie; Robert Schulz, Mario Gariépy, (2015), Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Fe3Al and Fe3Al/TiC Coatings Prepared by HVOF, Wear, 342-343, pp.154-162. 

J-38  Svetka Kuljich, Roger Hernández, Carl Blais, (2015), Effects of the cutterhead diameter and log infeed position on the energy requirements of a chipper-canter, Wood and Fiber Sci., 47 (4), 2015, p. 399-409. 

J-37 Shyamal Ghosh, S., R.E. Hernández, C. Blais. (2015). Patterns of knife edge recession in an industrial chipper-canter. Forest Products J., 65 (7/8), pp.358-364. 

J-36 Shyamal Ghosh, S., R.E. Hernández, C. Blais. (2015). Effect of knife wear on the surface quality of black spruce cants produced by a chipper-canter. Wood and Fiber Science., 47(4), pp.1-10.

J-35 Frank A.T. Goma, Daniel Larouche, Carl Blais, Raynald Gauvin, Julien Bosseli, Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Mathieu Brochu, (2013), Fatigue crack propagation rates and local texture relationship in 2099-T83 AL-Li alloy, Intl. J. Fatigue, vol. 59, 244-253. 

J-34 Claude Lincourt, Jacques Lanteigne, Madahavaro Krishnadev, Carl Blais, (2013), Micro-modelling approach to predict the influence of hydrogen pressure on short crack behaviour, Model. Num. Simul. Mat. Sci., 3, 3A, 37-40. 

J-33 Alexandre Bois-Brochu, Carl Blais, Franck A.T. Goma, Daniel Larouche, Julien Boselli,Mathieu Brochu, (2013), Characterization of Al-Li 2099 Extrusions and the Influence of Fiber Texture on the Anisotropy of Static Mechanical Properties, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 597, 62–69. 

J-32 Nicolas Giguère, Carl Blais, (2013), On the optimization of compressibility and hardenability of sinter-hardenable PM steels, Mat. Metal. Trans. A. 44A, pp.4774-4787. 

J-31 Bernard Tougas, Carl Blais, Sylvain Pelletier, François Chagnon, (2013), Effects of additions of nickel nanoparticles on the sintering response of PM hybrid low-alloy steels, Powder Metal., vol. 56, (1), pp.46-54. 

J-30 Bernard Tougas, Carl Blais, François Chagnon, Sylvain Pelletier, (2012), Characterization of nickel diffusion in PM nickel steels, Intl. J. Powder Metal., vol. 48, (6), pp.7-18. 

J-29 Bernard Tougas, Carl Blais, Sylvain Pelletier, François Chagnon, (2012), Strain-induced martensite formation in pm nickel steels, Powder Metal., vol. 55, (5), pp.348-353.

J-28 Bernard Tougas, Carl Blais, Sylvain Pelletier, François Chagnon, (2012), Characterization of admixed nickel diffusion in PM nickel steels, Mat. Metal. Trans. A, vol. 44, (2), pp. 754-765. 

J-27 Jean Desbiens, Carl Blais, Étienne Robert-Perron, F.Chagnon, (2012), Characterization of tensile en fatigue properties of Sinter-hardenable PM steel specimens machined in their green state, Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 546, 218-222. 

J-26 François Beaudet, Carl Blais, Gilles L’espérance, Louis-Philippe Masse, Hoang Lehuy, BenoitVoyzelle, Madhavarao Krishnadev, (2011), Improvement of hardenability and static mechanical properties of P20+0.5Ni mould steel through additions of vanadium and boron, ISIJ International, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 425–434. 

J-25 Nicolas Giguère, Carl Blais, (2010), Modeling of the Influence of Admixing and Prealloying on the Optimization of Compressibility and Hardenability of Sinter-Hardenable Steel Powders, Intl. J. of Powder Metal., vol. 46, 1, pp. 46-54. 

J-24Étienne Robert-Perron, Carl Blais, Sylvain Pelletier, (2009), Tensile properties of sinter hardened PM components machined in their green state, Powder Metal., 52, no. 1, March 2009, pp. 80-83(4). (

J-23 Carl Blais, Gilles L’Espérance, Philippe Plamondon, (2009), Characterization of powders and PM components in transmission electron microscopy, Intl. J. Powder Metal., vol. 45, (2), pp.29-38. invited paper.

J-22 Carl Blais, (2008), Machining of PM materials: a secondary shaping operation of primary concern, Intl. J. Powder Metal, Focus issue: PM Machining., vol. 44, (2), pp 13-14. Invited paper.

J-21 Étienne Robert-Perron, Carl Blais, (2008), Machining of Green PM Components: Keys, Applications and Sintered Properties, Intl. J. Powder Metal, Focus issue: PM Machining, vol. 44, (2), pp. 33-40. Invited paper

J-20 Patrick Boilard, Gilles L’Espérance, Carl Blais, (2008), Effect of Prealloyed MnS Content and Density on Machinability and Mechanical Properties, Intl. J. Powder Metal, Focus issue: PM Machining, vol. 44, (2), pp 41-48. Invited paper.    

J-19 Étienne Robert-Perron, Carl Blais,Sylvain Pelletier et Yannig Thomas, (2007), Drilling of High Quality Features in Green Powder Metallurgy Components, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 458, Issues 1-2, 15 June 2007, pp 195-20. 

J-18 Étienne Robert-Perron, Carl Blais, Sylvain Pelletier, Yannig Thomas et Sylvain St-Laurent, (2007), Reclamation of Chips Generated During Green Machining for Producing High Performance PM Components, International Journal of Powder Metallurgy; vol. 43, 3, pp.49-55. 

J-17 Étienne Robert-Perron, Carl Blais, Sylvain Pelletier et Yannig Thomas, (2007), Machinability of Green PM Components, Part 1: Characterization of the Influence of Tool Wear, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol.38, (6), pp.1130-1136. 

J-16 Étienne Robert-Perron, Carl Blais, Sylvain Pelletier et Yannig Thomas, (2007), Machinability of Green PM Components, Part 2: Sintered properties of components machined in green state, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, vol.38, (6), pp.1737-1742.